Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Bill Clinton, The Model & The Dalai Lama

To say that I have an interesting group of friends is like saying Antonio Stradivari made a half decent fiddle.

I have this model friend. Super sweet & down to earth. REI type from Norcal.

She was dating this new guy, but wasn't ready to tell me who he was yet. All I knew was that it was a lavish lifestyle and she's not the hooker type.

Anyway, she Facetimes me from her iPad aboard what is obviously a private jet.
She's visibly buzzed and holding a glass of champagne.

I've seen a few jet interiors in my day. This one was different.

Me: Holy shit. What kind of plane is that? It's massive?

Erica: Hey! Do you want me to find out?

Me: Yeah, if you can!

Erica: (Walking w iPad to the flight deck) knocks on the door.  HEY GUYS! What kind of plane is this? My friend wants to know.

Captain: Waving to me. It's a Boeing 767.

Me: Cool. Thank you.

She's walking back to her seat. Earbuds in.

Me: You going to tell me who he is yet?

Erica: Not yet. I will if it ends up being something.

She's sitting in a lush cream high back leather seat. Shifting positions, I notice the unmistakable view of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama over her left shoulder.

Me: Dude. Is that the Dalai Lama behind you???

Erica: Yes! Do you know him???

Me: Um, no I don't KNOW him!

Erica: He's super nice.

Me: He's like the 14th reincarnation of Buddha. I'd imagine the very least he would be is nice.

Erica: (No idea what I'm talking about) What?

Me: Nothing.

She takes a sip of champagne and shifts position again revealing former President Bill Clinton.

Me: Dude, Is that President Clinton behind you???

Erica: Yes! Do you know him???

Me: No I don't know him either!!!

Erica: He's really nice! Do you want to meet them?

Me: Yes!

She walks over to them and says...


She gets between the two of them, holding the iPad in her outstretched arm, selfie style. I'm in bed making this even weirder. I didn't know what to say.

They're waving & smiling.

Bill Clinton: How ya doin???!
DL: Hello (smiling & waving).

Me: (Waving) Mr. President. Your holiness.

She's walking back to her seat.

Me: Where are you going with them?

Erica: Monaco

Me: What are you doing in Monaco with Bill Clinton & The Dalai Lama?

Erica: Partying! Duh.

Me: Have fun!

And scene.

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