It was a boyhood dream to someday shoot for Rolling Stone Magazine. This was of course when Annie Leibovitz & later Mark Seliger were shooting indelibly creative, colorful, comedic, ironic & high concept stories. Cut to a few years ago, a friend tees me up a meeting there & it went very well. After an hour or so, she and I shook hands & looked forward to our next chat. As we stood, I said "Let me know the next time you're in L.A. & we can grab a lunch or drinks. That's when things took a turn for the worse.
Her: I never go to L.A. shoots.
Me: Too busy to travel that far?
Her: No. L.A. is the single most disgusting, vile place I've ever been in my entire life.
Me: Curious. What's the second most disgusting place you've ever been?
Her: Mumbai India.
Me: Hmm... You know... On my way into this meeting, I saw a naked man. Right downstairs on 6th Avenue, taking a shit on the sidewalk.
Her: This conversation is over.
Me: Good talk.
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